Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

to my follow CLAN FRAGGGG EASSSSY friends

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to wishes to dren next year with the twins coming.i say boy/girl any bets from the clan.Sabin for the new year get a job.Mr AJ Ven0m aka (princess) rent or buy an xbox or i will give titan your cellphone dec 23 we would like to see most of the clan on line.hey psyc x you said you would be online alot when you got the new xbox 360,but you don't play with us.remember friday is 4 drink min.twobig cox when is the next hockey game.dren about a bumper sticker that saids(now that's a twobig score below a 1,000)lol.


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