Thursday, January 19, 2006

About PGR 3

For those of you who haven't played PGR3 yet i feel sorry for you, but for those of you who have played the game and are wondering what is with the leagues and how all that works, here ya go:

Each league is seperated by the type of medal you are going for (for example silver)
Each league has 1000 people in the league. For example Dren posted that he is #1 in League 13. Well then he is actually ranked 13,000.

Platinum are first then Gold then Silver then bronze then steel........


Blogger AjVen0m said...

Spoiled bastards with your sexxbox360, look et me I don't have to get up to open the disk tray or oooooooh! look et the preutty grafix....

!!!AAAhh Shove it!!!

^I know it has some misspellings I did in purpose.

Haven't seen LADYDEATH 13 lately. Where is that Lumberjack!!

Should we do some Halo 2 Friday so we would be able to play with The Drem and Koda72. FIBIRDRE normally I see him on early so we would do some PGR2 first. So Titan try to make it early if you can.

Yours Trully
- Prin.....! Aj

12:24 AM  
Blogger The Dren said...

Leave it to a woman to be mad and spoil my finishing first! HA!

(Getting the look even as I type.)

Ok so that explains the Solo Career, but what about the online Career Leagues?

Venom, what happened to your guy ont he inside at Best Buy? Sure, he couldn't hook you up on launch day, but what about a shipment since then?

Lady Death, where have you been? I miss the high pitched screaming when I shoot you with my Rocket Launcher.

6:37 AM  
Blogger AjVen0m said...

He is still there, but the thing is he does not know when new shipment is coming. I have been getting calls from him to expect more in 2 hours, but I have not been able to go in and buy one within those 2 hours. And also I have to drive from one side of the city to the other.

12:12 PM  
Blogger coxie said...

First of all, I didn't post that little message about the ranks in PGR3 there Dren, that would be my hubby. =) got the look anyway.. =P

6:54 PM  

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