Ok, I logged into Gamer Tag Pics this morning to post a "verified" image of myself.
I had a new message, so I checked out my message from New Metal:
Yeah ok mute me why i dont talk anyway message me back with a reason because everyone keeps hiding there own answers thx message me back plz
Wow, what can I say about this message? First, it says a lot about our current educational system. This is one incoherent, scrambled, rambling thought.
Second, someone didn't teach him that being a constant asshole will get others not to be your friends.
So, let's try to break it down for him:
"Yeah ok mute me" - Yeah, I muted you, you constantly bicker with others and run folks into walls. You have the social skills of a fifth grader, and the driving skills to match. Or you are just an asshole on the road. Your choice.
"why I dont talk anyway" - Um, you do talk, nonstop shit or bickering with whoever you just ran into the wall. If you would just shut up and drive without pinning folks into the wall, you wouldn't have this problem.
"message me back with a reason" - Hmm... You're an asshole.
"everyone keeps hiding there own answers" - Ok, first, a simple lesson that your English teacher has so far been unable to get through to you: Their - possive pronoun, and I belive the word you wanted here. There - a word that brings attention to an object, like 'Look at that asshole over there.' They're - A contraction for They are, 'They're looking at that asshole over there." Now, as for everyone hiding answers, I can't for the life of me figure out what you are talking about.
"thx message me back plz" - I'll send him a link to this post I guess.
Moral of the story? Don't be an asshole.